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- July 11, 2005 - Bees Abuzz for U of G Pollen Substitute
Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology
Volume 7 No. 6
June 2016
Mansoura University, Egypt
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Nutrition and health in honey bees
Robert Brodschneider, Karl Crailsheim
University Graz, Austria
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Nigeria Research Report
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South Korea Ad
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Hungary Publication
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بارش ماهنامه تخصصی بازار کشاورزی ایران
سال هفتم - شماره۴۲
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Journal of Apicultural Science
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Journal of Apicultural Science
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Feedbee Against Nosema
Hungary 2009
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University of Gödöllõ Hungary
September 2009
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University of Gödöllõ Hungary
August 2009
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Vlaamse Imkersbond, Belgium Magazine
July-August 2009
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